With the official opening of Brisbane’s new runway fast approaching, we ran a competition giving 10 lucky winners a chance to come airside on the day to watch the first flights land and take off from Runway 01L/19R.
One of the lucky winners is Fiona Edmonds, an office manager from Logan who is a self-confessed enthusiastic hobbyist photographer.
Fi has lived in Brisbane for nearly thirty years, moving to the Sunshine state from Adelaide in 1991. She has ambitions to one day be a full-time photographer, and shares with us why she entered the Plane Spotters competition and what she loves about photography and aviation.
Q. Have you ‘plane spotted’ at BNE before?
Fi Edmonds: Yes, I've been to BNE to do plane spotting a few times with the Canon Collective photography group from The Loop. This is where I have met some awesome folk with common interests in the cold early morning hours as well as during late afternoon and into evening (which is another level up on being able to get good images in the low light).
Q. The power of photography and experiencing life through a lens is something quite magical, capturing moments in time for posterity. What are your thoughts and beliefs re: photography? Why do you do photography?
Fi Edmonds: It's rather funny that you ask about experiencing life through a lens - that's exactly what's in my bio on Instagram and how I feel about it. I think that photography is about being able to capture something from a moment in time to share with others - whether it be the obvious things we take photos of as well as the finer and more obscure details that are often missed with the naked eye. Having someone ask questions about a photo I've taken, such as what is the story, why did she take it and then to appreciate the image for what it is, are the main things I try to have in mind as I take each shot to help me produce better images.
Q. What prompted you to enter the Plane Spotters Competition?
Fi Edmonds: A post by the IGersBrisbane on their feed reminded me and as I had missed out on an airside experience just over two years ago with Canon, I thought that this was another fabulous opportunity to try and get to this special place that not many people are able to experience. With it being a random selection, I felt that I had as good a chance as anyone and was so excited when I received the email that I had won.
Q. What are you looking forward to most about 12 July 2020?
Fi Edmonds: The opportunity to be part of and to capture something from a moment in history that is a once in a lifetime experience. To be able to be up close and personal with the fast and loud aircraft, which are such amazing feats of technology and metal and rivets etc which are able to rise up off the ground and travel such long distances with people and cargo inside, is truly remarkable.
Q. As a Plane Spotter, what are you looking for/looking to capture on the day?
Fi Edmonds: I'm always after something that isn't the usual - so whether it be some detail of the plane as it lands/departs or maybe I will even be lucky enough to get a wave and a smile from the first captains to take off and land on this wonderful new runway construction. (I've already got one pilot waving to me from a previous time at The Loop so I hope to add to my "collection")
Q. What do you love most about airports and aviation?
Fi Edmonds: Because that's where the fast n loud things are is probably my first response, but a more serious answer is that airports are such fascinating places - they are a city within a city with so much happening. As a teenager I even considered becoming an Air Traffic Controller but didn't pursue that as a career for reasons I can't recall now. To watch the comings and goings of all the aircraft and all the supporting infrastructure has me fascinated on how it all manages to come together and I'm forever in awe of that accomplishment.
A collection of Fi's photos from the airside tour
More photo memories from the launch of Brisbane's new runway