Introducing Laura Willard, Airservices Australia's Air Traffic Controller and new mum.
As an Air Traffic Controller, Laura plays a crucial role as the guardian of the Australian sky. She is part of a vital team that manages 11% of the world’s airspace, and guided by world-class technology ensures the safe, reliable and efficient airspace use of all aircraft operating in our skies.
How long have you worked for as an Air Traffic Controller for ASA?
I joined Airservices in 2013 after working with Virgin Australia, Cabin Crew. I initially worked as an Enroute Controller, on a sector covering Central Queensland. After five years in the job, I decided to move to Brisbane Control Tower.
What appealed to you about working in your role?
I love the diversity of the job and some days it feels like I’m playing a computer game. I get so deeply focused and when I have finished for the day, I still feel the thrill. It’s very rewarding, knowing we are connecting people with their world safely - linking families and friends, generating economic activity and facilitating tourism.
What is a typical day like in your role?
Being an air Traffic Controller for Airservices is a very unique role. Communicating by radio to pilots, we separate and provide expeditious flow of aircraft landing and taking off from Brisbane airport.
What is the most important thing you’ve learned working in the aviation industry?
Working in aviation with Airservices, I’ve learned that teamwork is extremely important. From the pilots to Brisbane Airport Corporation staff, we all need to understand each other's jobs and work together to provide the safe and orderly guidance of air traffic.
The theme for International Women’s Day this year is ‘Embrace Equality’. What does this mean to you working in the aviation industry?
Today, on International Women’s Day (IWD), Airservices is proudly championing the highly skilled women in our national team to showcase the many varied and rewarding opportunities available for women considering a career in aviation.
I’m a proud Airservices Australia ambassador for IWD – I’ve loved seeing twice as many women coming through the ranks in air traffic control compared with when I started 10 years ago.
Why do you think it is important to play a role in today’s equality flight service from Melbourne to Brisbane?
Aviation is a very dynamic role for both men and women. The all-female Virgin flight service highlights the power of what women can achieve, across aviation, and all industries. I hope we can inspire the next generation of aerospace leaders to be inclusive and diverse.